Colton at Provo MTC

Colton at Provo MTC

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Lost my Funny???

How are you all doing?? I am pretty sure you are all doing great! It sounds like things went okay this week except for all the sicknesses. That kinda sucks but hey at least is is starting to warm up over there. Here I guess we are entering winter which means it is going to start raining every single day. Not again. I thought if I left from Coban it would not be like this but then I remember last year and it was the same here. But to tell you the truth, I feel like the people don´t really know what season we are in, they always tell me a different thing.
Well this week was a pretty amazing week. Once again it flew by and it feels like I was just writing you but I guess that is a good thing. We have been looking for a new apartment for the past 2 weeks well because it is a health hazard living where we are. But the story is pretty dang cool. So we have looked at 5 houses but the first 3 the leaders said no. I was a little frustrated so I hit one of them... and that is how Elder Underwood died. No I am kidding he is still here but my companion and I prayed to find out where we should go because we were getting a little frustrated and it was distracting the work and all. Well we found a house intentionally trying to find another house and we loved it. The owners live in Canada and the lady told us she was going to talk to him. I got a call from the owner and he told me he was a member and he really wants us to live there! It was honestly an answer to our prayers! Whoo! So now I am living in a two story house with a jacuzzi and an all you can eat chinese food restaurant downstairs! Ok lies but it is a nice house and we have our own pila!
Oh and the baptism went super well!! The only thing was I forgot to bring my other memory card so I cant show you it! But there is always next time. My compa baptized them both and he was pretty happy. It reminded me of my first baptism when I had to baptize him 4 times... haha oh I hope it is funny to you because it was to me. They were so happy to get baptized. The wife is about 65 years old but she keeps telling me that we are evangelicals but I have told her a million times that we are not. We are mormons. Haha but she is slowly understanding everything.
I am sorry if this letter was boring I feel like I am losing my funny. Tell me if I am still funny. Tell Connor to write me more so I can remember what it is like to be funny!! haha Oh and I hope you could find my house on Google! You are going to see my hood. Well I love you so much family!!! Keep it easy not sleezy!!
Elder Colton Llewelyn

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