Colton at Provo MTC

Colton at Provo MTC

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Almost time for a Call

You sound like you are all doing amazing and everything is going well. It kind of freaks me out that the school year is almost to a close because that just means the time is going by faster and that the next year is beginning and it is going to fly just like this year went. Well I guess that is how it is. I am super excited to hear from you all next Sunday!! I feel like I just talked to you and I am super excited. Okay well what I was thinking is that you can call me at 3 in the afternoon. I get out of church at 2 30 so I think that would be great!!
This week was a pretty good week. I feel like it has been a little bit harder opening an area but I really have seen the difference here that we have made. God really has blessed us here and it is amazing how he has put people in our path if we just do what he wants us to do. We have been contacting like crazy and it is paying off. We have some investigators that are really progressing. Elder Kilts and I found a family that I feel like has been prepared. The sisters called us from the other ward and told us that they had contacted a family and they told us to pass by. We found their house and that wife answered. She told us to pass by the next day and that is what we did. We got there and had an amazing lesson with them. About a week or 2 passed without seeing them and we finally got a hold of them and we taught the first lesson. It was amazing how the Spirit had already touched them. The husband told me that he was grateful that we had brought him the truth! Miracles happen! It has been kind of a stressful change but I feel like we made some really great changes here!! Elder Kilts and I are together for another 6 weeks and we are going to live it up.
I sent a photo of my good friend Elder Kilts and it has a great story behing it. Well on Friday night I decided to get a little adventurous and make us some tacos. Ok we all know that I have never been the best cook but I made them and they tasted great. I woke up the next morning with what we like to call BOO. It was horrible but it stopped there. I got out of the shower feel fine and then I felt like I needed to sit down. I felt horrible and I couldn´t do anything. I just decided to sleep but I woke up at about 3 and felt like I was going to throw up. Well that is exactly what I did and it was one of those time when you do it until nothing is left... haha it was the worst. I don´t think I have ever experienced something so bad in my mission. So my comp and I decided to just stay in that day. Well that was a very boring day and my comp had not experienced a day like that. So to entertain ourselves we began to take some pretty great photos! haha but don´t you worry. I am all better now, I know now that leave the cooking to someone who can and that if I am going to cook, pasta is just fine.
Well that is my week! It was another week in the mission field but it was a good one. I am excited to talk to you all in a week! Have an amazing week and talk to you soon!! Whoo!!!

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